Dear Friends of German Humour,
I hope you’ve all had a good start to the year and sorry for not having bothered you with a missive just yet.
Just like the Mayor of London I’ve waited for the right moment to declare where I stand on the Brexit debate. After much consideration I back Boris, Nigel and George and suggest Britain should leave the European Union. Either it’s the correct decision or if not it’ll lead to a massive economic downturn, firebrand property sales and in turn more affordable housing. That whole referendum lark is a win-win scenario.
But enough for now – I have to get back to revising for my citizenship test; that high-stakes pub quiz where the winner gets a passport rather than some low quality meats. And with questions like “When is Baisakhi celebrated?” I might qualify for more than just one new extra passport.
Have a great month
PS: Here’s the final exciting prize draw of Eins, Zwei, DIY.
PPS: Please find below a list of upcoming gigs. It would be great to see you at one of those.