This Bulletin is from January 3rd, 2009

January 2009

Dear Friends of German Comedy,

I hope you all had a good start to what will be an action-packed 2009.

In May the whole of Germany will celebrate the world’s greatest success story – 60 years of Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Then in November we have the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. (Though this will only be celebrated by the East Germans.)

2009 will also be the year German Humour goes truly global! In spring Herr Kuhnle and I will be entertaining the simple-minded people of Australia at the Adelaide Fringe and Melbourne Festival before embarking on a UK tour in May and, institutional racism once again permitted, winning the if.comedy award at Edinburgh Festival in August.

My only fear at the prospect of working for months on end with Herr Kuhnle is the negative effect it might have on my carefully honed Sarf London twang. Worst case scenario would be to also lose my desirable Ruhr accent and picking up the Yodelmeister’s yokelish Swabian.

Viel Spass in 2009!


Please find below a list of my upcoming gigs in January, two (well, four to be exact) of which I can particularly recommend.

Jan 14/15 Warm-up sets for Stewart Lee’s BBC recordings, Stoke Newington

I’m only doing a few minutes (if that) but I’m not going to miss this opportunity
to link my name to Stewart’s work. Tickets are free and available here:

Jan 23/24 Comedy Central, Liverpool

According to its own website this is Liverpool’s ‘most sophisticated comedy
club’. Let my Rhys-Jones-inspired observation about working classes taking
photos of their kids in football shirts so they get to meet the team captain
if their offspring becomes a victim of a drive-by shooting be the judge of
the level of tolerance and sophistication on Merseyside. Tickets:

Other gigs outside London in January:

5th, English Comedy, Munich,
8th, The N Bar, Salisbury
29th. CityLimits, Milton Keynes,
30th. Corn Exchange, Bedford,

One final recommendation – this time for London:

Feb 9+10, Australia previews with Otto Kuhnle, Farringdon,
Only 30 tickets per night available so please book early.

Well, that’s enough self-indulgence for one newsletter! Auf Wiedersehen and hopefully see you soon!

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