Dear Friends of German Comedy,
Firstly I have to apologize for last month’s slackness of not sending out a monthly bulletin. But I was too busy preparing for the just finished Edinburgh comedy trade fair.
What can I say? All the meticulous planning came off when The Guardian ranked my poster amongst the top 5 posters! My actual show admittedly didn’t get as much as a mention in the paper but as I have always ranked style over content….
Unfortunately I can’t announce which festival-goer has won the trip to Munich yet as the person in charge of the raffle at the German National Tourism Office is on holiday. Strangely enough in Munich!
Next month – I promise! And I’ll even film and upload the draw so no-one can accuse me of anything if I so happen to win the trip myself.
But who would want to travel abroad anyway with Pope Benedikt XVI’s visit to Britain only days away? Like all members of the German community in Britain I have already ironed my German football shirt and flag, have a crate of Augustiner Maximator Starkbier sitting in the fridge and can’t wait for the Holy Man to arrive. After all he’s the last German to have won anything of any note. (Let’s forget Lena Meyer-Landrut’s success at Eurovision Song Contest as she betrayed the Fatherland by singing in English…. Mind you, the Pope does his singing in Latin – turns out they’re both a disgrace.)
I’m writing this whilst listening to Radio 4’s ‘The Blitz’, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the event. The programme reminds me of last year’s ’70 Years since the start of World War II’, and next year’s ’85 Years since The Battle of the Somme’.
Due to my good contacts to Radio 4 I can exclusively reveal some more programming opportunities, all justified by equally arbitrary anniversaries.
’30 Years since the Falklands War’ (2012); ‘95 Years since World War I’ (2013); ’70th Jubilee of D-Day’ (2014); and, in 2015, ‘The Blitz’, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the event.
Anyone fancy setting up a TV/radio production company with me?
Have a great month